Healing Earth Moor












SURPRISES – Astonishing

Occurrences I Myself

Experienced Or Found Out

To My Own Surprise – And

You May Also Be Surprised!


(Dedicated most cordially IN MEMORIAM to Otto Dix, 1891-1969, Extraordinary German Artist, Professor of the Dresden Academy, oppressed (like Paul) under the Hitler regime, who courageously expressed the horrors of war in gripping etchings in his work, Der Krieg (The War), and rightly stated: “War reduces mankind to the state of beasts, with its hunger, vermin, mud and insane noises. One has to have seen men in this state of fury to understand something about mankind.”

At the same time, Paul also most cordially dedicated this piece of literature IN MEMORIAM to his colleague, Fedor Iosifovich Volfson, 1907-1989, Outstanding Russian Mining Man: Explorer of Mineral Resources and Prolific Writer, Professor and Doctor of Science, persecuted under Stalin’s regime, later Recipient of Labor Red Banner Medal, 1963, and Lenin Prize Winner, 1965.) In this work many fascinating, moving events, thrilling stories, almost unbelievable surprises are presented – at times, even a sense of humor sparkles through the melodramatic setting as a brilliant gem. Naturally, the work includes good and bad surprises not “easy-going”, but, in any event, refreshing and invigorating, even shocking and quite sobering, eye-opening, blessings in disguise, always spiritually enriching. The Table of Contents contains ~80 topics or highlights. Here, too, expect the unexpected! The picture on the cover – called in Russian “Troika”/ “Trio-Team” – classically conveys the spirit of the author’s own life story.

747 pages, illustrated.

Size: 5 ½”x8 ½”

Price: $55




