Healing Earth Moor








Ein Beitrag zur

"Frühgeschichte" des

Nickelbergwerks Sohland

a.d. Spree


This is a contribution to the early history of the nickel-ore-mine Sohland/Spree, Germany, on the Saxon-Bohemian border, (Paul’s former home) under special consideration of an old scientific work by Professor Bernhard Neumann, formerly of the Mining Academy Freiberg, Saxony/Germany. Paul’s Introduction and especially his extensive excursus embrace many pictures and extraordinary contemplations, “De Profundis”/ “Out of the Depths”. As an engineer, Paul, beside technical matters, has always attached great value to the human side and spiritual issues of engineering, for without man and God’s favor, we wouldn’t have it – and this peculiarity the reader will soon discover also in this writing. (Dedicated most cordially to Adolf Kindermann, “ein Bruder vom Hartgestein”/ “a Brother of the Hardrock Profession”, also in remembrance of his dear family.)

~105 pages, illustrated.

Size: 8 ½” x 11”

Price: $46



