Healing Earth Moor




An extraordinary German language textbook; in German entitled: Ein außergewöhnliches deutsches Sprachlehrbuch: “Arbeitsbuch” * So wurde uns deutsch in der Schule beigebracht. * Eine Anleitung die deutsche Sprache gut zu lernen und zu gebrauchen nach “System Kurt Fritzsche” * Grammatische und orthographische Dinge, worin auch heute noch selbst viele Deutsche, Fehler machen. (IN MEMORIAM dedicated to his teacher, Studienrat Kurt Fritzsche, in great appreciation and gratitude.) English translation of the German title page: An Extraordinary German Language Textbook: “Workbook” * Instructions for Learning and Using the German Language well, as it was taught to us in the German school, according to the “System of Kurt Fritzsche * Grammatical and Orthographical Things, in which even many Germans, are making mistakes to this day * Edited for publication By his former student WOLFGANG PAUL.
This “Arbeitsbuch”/”Workbook” has gone through many terrific, revolutionizing political changes, even epoch-making periods and war-catastrophes… and - thank God! – it has been saved.

Pages: 65

Size: 5 ½”x8 ½”

Price: $15



